File: 1377462483674.jpg–(49.44KB, 640x426, 1079401_172729872913621_501604207_n.jpg) Tagged:, Photography
post pics of you.
you mispelled dovahkiin
Underage assburglar.
>>8285 we dont want 2 see ur ugly mug m8
This ain't instagram, bro.
Confirmed for assburglar.
1377463330842.jpg–(23.99KB, 319x222, GET.jpg)
none of us want to see each other's neckbeards.
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1377463830931.jpg–(896.01KB, 1944x2592, CAM00112.jpg)
>>8309 Why not?
>>8311 inb4 this is a banner
>>8311 hahahahahahahahahahaha nice fucking pepperoni nipple
>>8311 ITS YOU
>>8311 embarrassing
>>8569 >>8311 my minions sharpie in poopers
>>8593 pls no
Dovahkiins shitty faxe sex story Cold winter night. 2 person sized tent. Me, a guy, 2 girls. I'm with one of the girls, the other two have been getting off all night but are now asleep. I start slipping a few digits into her bearded clam. ohgodno.nope bitter smell releases, cursed 200 y/o mummy sarcophagus smell. My fingers weep for the days the only thing they played with was lego. cont. I fumble around inside of her stink ring for a while, trying to understand this cave of slippery delight, while also holding back the mustard gas. After a while I find a sweet spot, looking back I think it was her G-spot and just massage that till she moans. The tent is no hotboxed in a deadly neurotoxin even GLaDOS would be envious of. I finally finish cont. I finally finish her off and she goes down my pants for my pork sword, I push her hand away and blame the cold. We both look awkward and go to sleep. In yonder morning I wake to the sound of the 5th member of our night party, crying in a separate tent to himself, and listen for 45ish minutes. this wakes everyone else up and we talk. I eventually found out con : the other guy and girl were awake the entire time and wishing death upon themselves. I lol heartily and grow pubic hair
>>9179 holy fuck someone saved that?
>>9182 when you see somthing that shitty you gotta grab it
>>9183 I hope these things are forgotten in time. I'll be damned before I become the next Millhouse.
1377543868745.jpg–(170.49KB, 960x720, image.jpg)
>true living is wearing swearshirts all day nikka
1377596412411.jpg–(69.24KB, 1024x765, me_.jpg)
meh, why not.
1377606210661.jpg–(812.95KB, 3984x2240, a pic.JPG)
>inb4 shitty haircut >inb4 babbyfaic
>>10038 Are you looking like this for a bet?
>1chan is all white
1377613331198.jpg–(268.72KB, 1280x888, bfyavfgvf.jpg)
>>10045 You say this like you're surprised. >>10044 Here's a slightly better pic
>>10028 nice old man glasses, loser.
1377656113790.jpg–(409.65KB, 1920x2560, GqvbEOw.jpg)
from like a week or two ago
1377656518377.jpg–(53.43KB, 320x320, YouWho.jpg)
1377656921324.jpg–(29.60KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130827.JPG)
Funnily enough, this picture is what won me my invitation here, less than an hour ago.
>>10457 And I'm the one who invited you, this the pic I used to get my invite: >>8311
1377658925147.jpg–(605.15KB, 3064x2448, tee.jpg)
1377659320413.jpg–(18.24KB, 500x375, 6e43ab1320763aab91c896b2d2b38c3e.jpg)
only pic of me on my computer...
1377659401334.jpg–(1.10MB, 1536x2048, 2013-08-27 23.06.21.jpg)
1377660006680.jpg–(175.49KB, 1280x960, 1377659903151.jpg)
there. dug this oldie up
1377660598828.jpg–(1.24MB, 2048x1536, 2013-08-27 23.25.49.jpg)
>>10486 >>10479 Battle of the Gods.
1377661897697.jpg–(309.38KB, 2560x1920, vShqGJJ.jpg)
aryan master race reporting in
1377662275561.jpg–(233.82KB, 1280x960, 20130828_005536[1].jpg)
no nips this time boys
1377662501130.jpg–(2.31MB, 2448x5200, shoe2.jpg)
1377663203873.jpg–(1.75MB, 1536x2048, shoe god.jpg)
>>10503 my chakras have alligned
>>10512 >leaning on a wall >doesnt count bruh
1377665447795.jpg–(300.06KB, 900x720, shos on head cliff.jpg)
1377666407440.jpg–(22.27KB, 405x720, shoes on head.jpg)
>>10513 no wall no bull shit
1377667229843.jpg–(1.15MB, 2448x2577, shoe3.jpg)
>>10506 inner power is no match against my beautiful music
>>10525 who is this beautiful man, could it be a GOD
1377669088611.jpg–(38.58KB, 800x600, ThatsWhatSheSaid.jpg)
1377670430818.jpg–(437.10KB, 772x1281, 20130828_024547.jpg)
eye nippels. check mate
1377672471397.jpg–(120.78KB, 480x640, IMG_0110.JPG)
>>10554 N'aww. You look like a nice guy.
1377673396039.jpg–(16.89KB, 540x405, 3rrw2gxat5jvrfuhajstksf5l319277094.2.jpg)
The face behind the porn dumps
1377674565438.png–(795.73KB, 784x816, for roach.png)
Just for you.
1377676673652.png–(559.29KB, 574x535, legit.png)
>>10574 >legit.png >implying
i posted a almost nude of me with eye nippels and you cant show your eyes >>10574
>>10579 Your photo have enough eyes for this whole thread
>>10564 >>10574 It's a trap.
1377679822766.gif–(1.52MB, 356x200, 201321_v0_600x.gif)
>>10483 can't believe I met Drake on 1chan
1377705894729.jpg–(152.67KB, 1080x720, Photo on 8-28-13 at 11.59 AM #2.jpg)
spice reporting in
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#noedit #nofilter
1377706937332.jpg–(118.44KB, 1280x720, picture278.jpg)
Draw me like one of your french girls
>>10647 Tell me son, do you believe in allmighty god?
>>10647 No fucking way you're 18 kid.
>>10664 we're all of age on this site
>>10791 apart from, you know who
WE ALL LOOK SO FUCKING EDGY AND OMEGA FOR FUCK SAKE. I love you people. I am also overage.
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this is old but it's the first pic of me i found as i looked randomly through my folder
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seems youve put on a couple sylar>>10842
1377736592019.png–(115.38KB, 320x240, 2.png)
>>10842 >>10859 My sides Just took this, need to shave still
>>10859 hahaha i used to get "you look like Sylar" all the time
>>10867 > <3
>>10878 I know you wanted a pic, so i deliver'd
>>10867 SQUEAKY
1377753094777.jpg–(41.71KB, 540x960, MEguitarCig.jpg)
A month-old pic of me. No h8 plz
>>10954 =<
>>10957 >>10957 i get the feeling you put that because I mentioned MLP, you are a brony arn't you?!?!?
1377774395747.jpg–(316.22KB, 1920x2560, assburglar.JPG)
Am I late?
>>10960 Her Steam profile pic is (I presume) of Princess Celestia. Soooo ....
Like i said, i just like the show, and love this character in question He can just like the show too, i don't think he is a brony, no neckbeard, fedora, lyra plushies etc etc..
1377810932145.png–(120.46KB, 320x212, 6.png)
fuck, I feel really fucking young after looking at all you.
Nah, I really do love the show. I'm just not a betafag. >>11049
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Don't hate me.
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>>11225 3hipster5me jk, lookin snapy yo
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>>10525 ver 2.0
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Yup. Basically. Im carebear. <3
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>>11639 >ididntaskforthis.jpg
>>11639 where is your fedora. >>11641 whatisgoingoninhereohlawdy.jpg.gif.nope_yes
>>11646 I don't own one, sperglord
1377961423268.jpg–(304.76KB, 1001x1383, 980534_1411958665683308_539806433_o.jpg)
My face is NSFW.
>>11652 You what, mate? I don't even understand.
>>11654 clearly you do not belong here. AROO AROO AROO
1377978187696.jpg–(24.79KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130831_2.JPG)
>>11084 I feel ya, mate. I look underage compared to all these guys. I am barely 18 though, but still.
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this is my face i hope you like it
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Me with my hair tied...
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>>11785 ... and me with savage hair.
>>11786 >savage hair My sides.
>>11786 i prefer the savage hair
1377999251774.jpg–(18.63KB, 476x356, 1377399860596.jpg)
at first i was like "dont post pics, i dont wanna be the most horrid dude here" but then i was like >>11786 >>11732 >>11713
>>11805 No one's really super, duper ugly, here.
>>11805 i'm not horrid don't be mean :(
>>11950 I think you look better than the average assburglar I.e this >>10038
>>11951 Cheers mate. I'm sure you're beautiful yourself.
1378023805448.jpg–(1.78MB, 3264x2448, 1378023690313.jpg)
>>11952 Probably not the best looking guy, but I tried
>>11954 Clean, well groomed; you look pretty good. But c'mon smile yo that's one spooky shirt too
1378025864691.jpg–(1.72MB, 3264x1952, IMAG0731.jpg)
>>11955 I didn't smile, yet I didn't frown Thanks for the anti-hate, 1chanus is the bees knees > 1chan meet my fatass cat
>>11958 It's cool. Your cat looks displeased.
1378026327362.jpg–(1.65MB, 1952x3264, IMAG0728.jpg)
>>11960 I think he was in his lazy mode for that picture
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>>11962 Cats are the greatest things ever
1378026835660.jpg–(1.22MB, 1952x3264, IMAG0723.jpg)
>>11964 100% agreed, I only wish it was me who controlled my cats eating, but my dad does that
>>11965 Also sorry for posting off topic
>>11792 I was tired, I couldn't come up with any other word. You know, words like "untied". I feel dumb. >>11793 Why thank you. >>11805 I know.
>>11805 Of course I look ugly. It was evening where I live and I was tired, and I just realise I've activated self-defense mode and should not do that. "Shrug." "Whatever."
>>11967 Cats are never ever off topic.
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This is the real me chubs. I'll fucking skin you, make you into a belt.
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>>11979 >>11954 >>11732 >>11228 >>11225 All jews. The rest of you are assburglars, I count one other Aryan. Heil >>10842 >>10642 >>10559 >>10560 >>10524
>>11986 Seriously? That's just weak.
>>11989 so just awesome. so talk so edgy
1378034739008.jpg–(58.82KB, 640x426, Photo on 01-09-2013 at 12.24 #2.jpg)
muh shekels. if I ever get dox'd im dead kiddo.
>>11987 i'm actually blonde hair blue eyed but the lighting doesn't show it
id fuck most of you in here.
>>10038 r u a grill?
1378057914693.jpg–(188.50KB, 1072x720, nohomo.jpg)
oh hi
>>12020 Are you a boy or a girl?
1378061454601.png–(30.02KB, 178x322, FUCKING PROF OAK.png)
>>12120 Of course, I forget the picture.
1378075580083.jpg–(132.58KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Jul-19-2013_12-14-07_2.jpg)
Why not? I hope my phone doesn't turn this sideways
>>12288 Face says 13, tits say 18 Not sure if legal
1378077774398.jpg–(896.19KB, 2048x1536, 2012-11-30 21.46.59.jpg)
>>12288 Holocauster? Jesus christ can I have an autograph pls
>>12288 Can you timestamp please?
>>12288 It's happening
1378080679053.jpg–(141.79KB, 900x1600, The_Holocauster.jpg)
>>12288 Could it be?
1378080714621.jpg–(292.42KB, 1197x1596, The_Holocauster2.jpg)
>>12318 I didn't know I was known here, too... >>12302 >>12301 I'm not home at the moment > if you anon ask message my tumblr I can message back to confirm. You don't need a tumblr to ask shit >>12300 I've been eighteen for the few months
>>12322 I'll stay. I like it here. So how's everybody feel about the ID's being gone from /b/?
>>12324 >>12325 why don't you have any eyebrows
1378081374444.png–(3.80KB, 288x273, BlackStar.PNG)
>>12324 A lot of people here are from 4chan. It's to be expected. Sorry about the tits, I guess. We do our best to not be 4chan but the nude-hunters are always going to be somewhere. In any case, we're glad to have you. Just keep postin' and shit. Stay active. irc is #1chan
>>12328 Try not to be 4chan? Lol you mean try not to be /b/ Not every board on 4chan has that type of culture. /b/ is still my home board. Lol >>12327 Spic genetics gave me inferior black eye brows so I shave them off and draw them on to be brown
>>12329 You're very right, but around here when we say 4chan we usually mean /b/. The terms are synonymous. I don't think we've recruited from other boards.
>>12329 pretty much every board is full of fucking idiots, /b/ just happens to have the most.
>>12330 >>12331 Well my home boards are /b/ and /pol/ because they don't have moral assburglars that care about everybody else's feelings and opinions. Personally, my least favorite boards are /soc/ and /lgbt/ just because fags
>>12334 >because fags You are welcome here, also try not to be too edgy.
1378082420307.gif–(947.83KB, 197x265, tumblr_mrsv6hIHrC1s4yfxko1_250.gif)
>>12337 My apologies, sir
1378082748394.jpg–(103.56KB, 640x960, 4.jpg)
>>12338 >>12337 This. This isn't /b/, so keep the edginess down to a moderate level. Racism is 'ight, I don't like spearchuckers either but don't be spamming SIEG HEIL threads everyday. Read the FAQ/Rules, if you have any questions ask a moderator and we'll be able to assist. Also, f-a-g-g-o-t filters to assburglar n-e-w-f-a-g filters to buttpluf n-i-g-g-e-r filters to a random car model (i.e. '68 Impala, '66 Corolla)
>>12340 buttplug* gott, Ich bin so dumm
>>12341 you fucking buttpluf.....
>>12343 u colin me a buttpuff m8
>>12346 Na u anon moose prick i'm callin that bloke a buttpluf u prick, now fuk off u mug.
1378084095151.gif–(927.31KB, 365x401, tumblr_mrsyn6DxLQ1s4yfxko1_400.gif)
Okiedokie. I understand
>>12360 but do you really?
>>12369 I think... threads are random and shit like on 4chan but a little less offensive
>>12369 I'm sure she does. No need to keep drawing attention to it.
>>12375 Eh, so maybe you don't quite understand. Read the FAQ when you get a chance. There's a single board, and every thread is tagged. Users can filter tags they don't like in shit. Once you've filtered tags down to what you want to see, you have your own personal board. This eliminates the problem of bronies, assburglars, etc.
>>12388 Okiedokie. I'll do that
1378085693526.jpg–(100.04KB, 612x612, e8b04730f52e11e282f822000a1fbd33_7.jpg)
Colombian Ninja, reporting in.
>>12288 >>12318 >>12320 >>12338 >>12360 Dovahkiin really wanted to be the first 1chan camwhore, but congrats on beating him to it.
>>12399 I didn't mean to be the first naked cam whore. Just the first cam whore.
>>12400 Fair enough, you can take both titles if you'd like. I'm just glad Dovahkiin lost.
1378086504749.jpg–(402.34KB, 1600x1200, IMG_00001979.jpg)
>>12405 I'm not Aryan, because of my shit genetics but, that's actually pretty cool to me lol >have more whore pictures
>>12408 Read twice, post once. >>12405 Aryan supremacy doesn't compete with much these days.
>>12408 If you like Aryan, you should look at pictures of me. Actual Germanfag here. Proud of it. Deutschland über alles.
>>12410 You know, I actually forgot that Aryan was a race until I noticed Dovahkiin, so they can't be that superior. Wait, isn't the Aryan Brotherhood a prison gang that just rapes everything in the literal term?
>>12415 Dova is by no fucking means Aryan, Germanic, or Nordic. Just because he's white and has blonde hair means nothing. He is a genetic cesspool and a shameful human being.
>>12413 forgot to take out the facebook filename. Just lettin ya know bro.
>>12417 Oh well, this isn't /b/ so I won't expect (as much) weird shit flooding into my inbox. >>12416 Guess that's a fair point. But now I don't know what to believe.
>>12418 True, I keep forgetting not as many fags on here.
>>12419 Yeah, it's a more sophisticated version of /b/ really. I feel secure enough to post pictures of myself on here without the thought of getting spammed by people calling me a spick and an immigrant. A little piece of heaven, if you will.
1378087783494.jpg–(377.05KB, 1600x1200, IMG_00001663.jpg)
>>12413 I know. I just stated I wasn't before every body would say > hurr durr she can't like aryans because she's a shit skin > hurr durr only white people are allowed to like aryans
>>12416 im pretty sure dova is english lol
>>12422 Ah, I see. I guess that's fair enough. >>12424 Get him the fuck out of my country.
>>12422 You're not a shitskin. Just because you're not blonde/blue/white like me doesn't mean much. You're still white, still ethnically beautiful as fuck. I'd reproduce with you, just sayin'
>>12426 I am a bit ashamed that he is my fellow countryman as well, but he might not be i dont quite know.
>>12429 I'm renouncing my English if he is English. >>12428 I think everyone would reproduce with her, mane.
1378089452846.jpg–(126.83KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-22-2013_06-46-04_3.jpg)
>>12428 I try to be as white as I can. That's why I dyed my hair blonde. Lol >>12430 Thank you, sir.
>>12432 >Sir First time I've been called a sir. I feel sophisticated. Next stop, top hat shop. Heheh.
>>12432 You kind of look like a girl i knew from school in this. >>12435 >hehe You don't know how much you made me cringe
1378091777927.jpg–(46.96KB, 800x600, IAmDissapoint.jpg)
This is getting outta hand.
1378091819992.jpg–(106.53KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-22-2013_06-43-51_2.jpg)
>>12435 I call every man Sir, out of respect >>12440 Must be the glasses lol
1378091958654.jpg–(145.04KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-12-2013_02-20-51_6.jpg)
>>12448 That's what your mom said, last night
>>12451 Probably. It wouldn't surprise me.
>>12440 It was instinctive. Too much time spent on Facebook trying to look un-blunt when talking to people I don't even know. But now I know your weaknes...
>>12448 Into foot? Nope? I got nothin'.
>>12454 You can do better than that.
>>12122 my picture is in this thread. figure it out for yourself
>>12456 I'm sure I can but with such limited context I can't think of anything creative. Damnit.
>>11585 nice instagram filters. 100% chance you are fat male looking for complements
>>12468 Oh, I chuckled.
>>12460 Do you fiend for spice?
1378107447831.jpg–(513.81KB, 2592x1944, Picture 529.jpg)
one of the few times I will post with a name
>>12340 I know a certain son of a dragonbitch that does. >>12460 ... Indeed. I need to stop coming here while tired.
>>12521 I wasn't aware that Nathan Explosion was growing a beard
1378132041036.jpg–(93.33KB, 709x960, 1009894_155897591263516_1270501511_n[1].jpg)
>>12408 Do us all a favor and post your tits please, I think I'm speaking for everyone here who isn't gay or fucked up.
>>12617 I got news for you. >>12318
>>12617 see >>12318 >>12320
>>12620 >>12621 Holy shit how did I not notice that, my apologies lovely-tits-girl!
>>12604 unfortunately, not a full one wish I could grow abundant facial hair somewhere other than my neck
>>12624 You know, I don't think she wants to be known as lovely-tits-girl.
>>12648 Lol its fine >>12624 Haha I don't care. My chan name was the Holocauster but, whenever people look me up, the holocauster tycoon shows up so, I'm just krissi again
1378135514547.jpg–(265.75KB, 900x1600, whitesupremacistmaybe.jpg)
Uuhh, guys...
1378135578776.jpg–(120.05KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-21-2013_01-49-59_6.jpg)
>>12651 I mixed up your quotes, but you probably. Understood what I ment
1378135808313.jpg–(1.27MB, 2560x1536, 20121023_091036.jpg)
>>12652 If you racism offends you, I'll leave
>>12655 Post another nude and we're cool.
>>12655 >>12656 lol you fucking guys
1378136493643.png–(78.30KB, 500x318, 1350766085806.png)
>>12656 I'm waiting. Don't let me uncheck the Anonymous option and let us forever be enemies! That would be most unpleasant.
1378137132925.jpg–(124.68KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-22-2013_06-45-56_2.jpg)
>>12656 I don't know that shit anymore. I'm sorry, sir.
>>12665 What? You'll condemn entire races and people with a certain religion to doom and hell, but you won't take your kit off for a nice chub? Pathetic. Just how mean were they to you on the four chins?
>>12648 What? Which girl wouldn't ? >>12651 Last question, isn't that bridge piercing uncomfortable while wearing glasses?
>>12666 >666 Nice. But, I'm sorry my beliefs are pathetic to you. >>12668 Yeah but, I can't run around looking like a degenerate all of the time. Lol the glasses cover my bridge
>>12669 Any reason why you call every man sir? >You may call me sir as well.
>>12671 I do that because I believe all women should feel a sense of respect towards men.
>>12684 You're adorable. I used to date a sub who would refer me as master. Shit was so cash. You're a breath of fresh air compared to all the other cunts I see running around.
1378141108817.jpg–(26.72KB, 458x258, 3ciq4.jpg)
>>12687 so am I, and many others on this site
>>12700 But you're better, I remember you posted tits
>>12700 >>12719 What?? Another grill? Show me your tits. You've seen mine
>>12651 Well then basically what >>12685 said.
>>12726 He's not a girl: >>12521 ... either that or I'm so genderblind I should stab me in the eyes. There is Celestia though, if you want a girl: >>10574
1378147231239.jpg–(588.43KB, 2592x1944, Picture 530.jpg)
>>12726 think the thread was deleted, I'll post them here
>>12741 >>12733 Oops my bad
Has there been any other threads with more posts than this one?
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>>12655 Marry me.
>>10554 >>10554 You look like a crack dealer.
>>12684 When did you start to believe in white supremacy and where did it come from. Not judging, just asking.
>>12331 There are plenty of great boards on 4chan despite the morons. If you can't find at least one from the fifty then you're not trying hard enough.
>>12754 Is that a semi-pout?
>>12774 I started being this way when I was about twelve. I believe in white supremacy because it's not fair for children to see other races being tosses around and they question where they come from. It's not fair that white children even have to come into contact with other races, and it's sad th white people are race traders and mix with shit sk
>>12779 Just how my face is
>>12783 Mix with shit skins and make little babies that don't know who they are. Children of mixed races are victims of diversity. I just wish everybody would stay where they were in the world. '56 Crown Vics stay in Africa, kebabs stay in the middle east. Kikes stay in insrael.. ect..
1378149042500.jpg–(19.91KB, 640x480, TPhoto_00010.jpg)
Well this is me I guess.
1378149109736.png–(16.89KB, 594x563, 12428055111418182534Schutzstaffel_SS_SVG1.1.svg.hi)
>>12783 First person on 1chan to make fucking sense. I have no problem with other races, just keep them separate, we didn't evolve with them so they should stay where and with the people they were born with. also, timestamp.
>>12788 What do you mean by "who don't know who they are"?
>>12788 Why does a guy's skin colour really matter to you? I've been friends with Muslims, blacks and Jews and they're all pretty chill. You're an idiot if you disqualify someone as a person from a thing they can't even help.
>>12783 You can't live in a world where it is possible to not "come into contact" with other races, unless you just stay inside all your life, there are many benefits that a multi racial community can get and by just seperating different races you would have never seen some of the innovations in music and food and many more things that those races brought, but i do get why people would hate the sand ni.ggers preaching and other races being how they are. also why is your reasoning so based on children being around different races.
>>12794 >I have no problem with other races >I just don't want them near me Please stop treating people like species and admit you're a neo-nazi if you haven't already.
>>12796 As I said in my deleted thread, it's about genetics. Mix breeds are inferior, it is proven. Purebred relations give birth to offspring with all the advantages they evolved, mixing blood just breaks those adaptations.
>>12798 I'm not a neo-nazi, I just believe in the facts of nature. I'm a realist, and if we didn't mix we wouldn't fight. It's in the human condition to attack different people, why fight that.
>>12796 You're an idiot for wanting to breed out your own race >>12794 I'm not home, Sweetie. You can anon message my tumblr for proof though. Lol you don't need an account for that > >>12795 I mean they don't know why they're fucking different. They don't know why they get treated like special snow flakes. If they were around there own fucking people they wouldn't have this problem.
>>12802 Exactly, we wouldn't have this victimsed society that leeches off the guilt of the white man, because that is all it is these days.
1378149656695.jpg–(411.84KB, 1600x1200, IMG_00001335.jpg)
>>12800 >>12801 >>12803 it's like you're me but, with better genetics
1378149677470.jpg–(19.12KB, 270x237, 1364665525488.jpg)
>>12794 >>12795 >>12796 >>12797 >>12798 >>12801 >>12802 >>12803 stay on topic guys, You even made me fucking go off topic, go make another thread if you want to whine about how mustard race you are dova
>>12798 btw, people are species. We treat different dogs as different species, you would never put a huskie next to a tiny rat dog and say they are equal, the huskie is a superior species, evolved from a common lineage. Not to say the rat dog doesn't have it's uses, the huskie is just better, and you wouldn't breed them and call the outcome a better dog.
>>12802 The problem is it's not about breeding or races. You're bloodline has nothing to do with it. There's no seperate species of humans and whatever minor adaptations people have are largely superficial. I could understand your argument if it was an issue of culture, which is a problem many Europeans are having with hard line Islamists who don't integrate but treating people like breeds is incredibly stupid. >>12801 If we never fought any of our base instincts we would be stuck in the dark ages. Difference can be uncomfortable but it doesn't mean that you have a right to act on that.
>>12806 I was just answering the question that I was asked. My apologies.
>>12806 Will do, krissi get in that thread, these people are just butthurt.
>>12811 i know but it just got a bit out of hand
>>12806 You're right man I don't want this to turn into /pol/ 2:Electric Boogaloo
>>12800 >>12801 Dovahkiin, I want to say something to you. Back in said thread-before, I may have used some sarcasm and maybe I pushed the argument a little bit too much. But, as a principle, I just don't hate people for whatever opinions they have, should they appear as the wrongest of the opinions to me. I care for acts, not mere thoughts. There was a neo-nazi guy in my school. But please, don't talk about stuff you obviously don't know. What IS proven about genetics is that the richer the genome the better. "Pure breed" is actually a self-destructive concept. Also, humans do not attack different people on sight for being different; only extremists pharmacist humans do. And similar humans do attack each other. Look at WWII; both sides were ethnically close to each other, it wasn't '137 Corollas vs Asians. So please. Don't go and claim scientifically false things. >>12802 Well I surely don't feel like a special snowflake.
>>12813 Implying is bad m'kay.
1378150133284.gif–(877.29KB, 396x683, tumblr_mral9znS281s4yfxko1_500.gif)
>>12798 You do realize you don't have to be a neo-nazi to realize race mixing is bad, right? I'm fucking Spanish. Obviously I'm not a neo nazi. However, I do realize that the holocaust movement was for the better, regardless weather I'd be systematically starved or not. >>12813 Link me lol
>>12817 I'd like to see some hard proof please.
>>12823 see>>12797
>>12823 Okay let me get this straight because this thread has fallen to shit anyway. >I can't be a neo-nazi I'm Spanish Franco ran your country until 1975 and was a famous fascist >Race mixing is bad and the holocaust wasn't So how are you different from neo-nazis again?
>>12824 You don't need proof it's a biological fact. The reason we don't replicate like bacteria is because by mixing and matching random genes we gain an evolutionary advantage is our ability to mutate and pass on those mutations. The more different the two gene pools the better. That's why inbreeding creates problems because it leads to similar genetic weaknesses with no beneficial change to speak of ten cyclops cousins down the line.
>>12834 Neo nazi's are stupid enough to categorise themselves. I don't want to be a skinhead, but I believe honestly that what I say is right. krissi has the right idea, races alone are not a problem, but mixing them is. Although, Spaniards are one of the better races I have to admit.
>>12836 You are honestly the biggest asslicker I have ever seen in my life.
>>12823 I'm actually just gonna set up a tumblr then make a thread.
1378151310430.jpg–(549.71KB, 600x4045, xbox-etiquette.jpg)
>>12838 I think anyone who thinks dovahkiin should be banned for mega-assburglary should say it now and then the mods will decide his fate I vote dovahkiin should be banned
>>12841 I don't. He's a qt3.14 and actually makes sense >>12834 It does matter who ran my fucking country? That doesn't magically make my skin lighter or my eyes less black.
>>12800 It obviously doesn't since I have the heat tolerance of a hispanic as I should (1/2 Colombian) and general intelligence of an Asain (1/4 Japanese). I can't find any benefits from my remaining white genes, but you get what I'm saying. The benefits stack rather than cancel eachother out.
>>12797 >benifits of multiculturalism Lol Detroit
1378151679653.gif–(462.37KB, 250x141, 1362013664406.gif)
>>12848 Great response
>>12852 It would be I you were smart enough to realize Detroit is the epitome of multiculturalism
>>12848 Black ghetto's are only ghetto's because people wouldn't employ black people for most of the 20th century, and had alot of racial predjudice against them during that time, and it wasn't even their choice to end up there. Now they are ghetto's because people couldn't get jobs because employers were so pharmacist, so the only way they could get money to support a family/live in even a shitty house, was through illegal activities, which made people even LESS trusting of our dark-skinned brethren and it spiraled downwards from there. People can blame black people for ghetto's all they want, but the real cause was narcissistic pharmacists not letting blacks live up the the same standard of living as them.
1378152130790.jpg–(412.07KB, 1680x1050, 1368133655922.jpg)
>>12809 Hey, dumbshit, newsflash for you. All dogs are the same species. l2science before you make a fool of yourself on the internet.
>>12861 /thread
>>12845 What I'm saying is your assumption that you can't be a neo-nazi or a fascist because your Spanish is wrong as there are plenty of famous Spanish fascists.
>>12809 >people are species >dogs are species Oh wow man you just shot yourself in the foot.
Summary of the last 20 posts ITT so you don't have to read all of them: Dovahkiin is still trolling and pretending to agree with KrissiPooki, who is still just a delusional stupid bitch who is attention whoring like this is /b/. Now, back on topic with this thread please.
>>12909 You know, I really hope Dova is trolling. Was, at least. His assburglary got him banned for 3 days. Fun fact: He isn't even Germanic. He's a shitbreed mix. Any Germanfag or even Norsefag can tell you that no one fucking looks like that. Americans believe that blonde/blue/white/large jawline must mean PUREARYANMASTURRACE, but that's not reality.
>>12923 He was. He's stated so lots of times. Although it IS possible that he actually is a white supremacist and pulled the "i was trolling" card when people flipped their shit. But if that's the case I pity him.
>>12909 >delusuional stupid bitch > hurr durr she's a bitch because we believe in different things > hurr durr she's posting pics but because I hate her, it doesn't contribute to the thread Grow Up, neck beard.
1378157204074.jpg–(119.61KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-14-2013_07-38-26_3.jpg)
I was asked about how I feel and I answered it. It's not like I straight up said "Hi guys. I'm a Nazi." Somebody asked now, get past it.
>>12947 And you are welcome here. We are just less apologetic of ass-kissing and hypocrisy. If you have views you wish to expose, show them proudly. Just expect a backlash of dissidents along with the rest who agrees with you.
>>12947 I have no opinion in the matter, because tl;dr, but don't go to internet with your beliefs if you're not ready for some criticism. You should know that by now.
>>12943 Although you pulled the "hurr durr" card, you still do have a point. And yes, your beliefs make me dislike you. But let's put this behind us, shall we?
>>12957 Sounds good, sir >>12956 >>12955 Fair enough
>>12487 I did at one point fiend for spice. but this is the name i use on tor. if i used my regular username you '68 Impalas would find me on instagram and twitter and facebook and know my email address and everything. >>12532 it's all good. not gay though. just mostly gay.
>>12982 Just wondering, I know a lot of people who got hooked at some point.
>>12989 the term "hooked" does not even begin to describe it. i'm clean though. almost a year
>>13018 Seen it firsthand. I never much cared for it though.
1378163095743.png–(107.72KB, 320x240, 1.png)
>>12947 just keep posting pictures of yourself please, stop talking.
>>13055 Well said.
1378164329203.jpg–(121.95KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-14-2013_07-43-59_5.jpg)
>>13055 You shut up too, then (:
1378164642862.jpg–(27.42KB, 640x480, IMAGE_004.jpg)
OK guys, here is the infamous Yalamer.
>>13095 You look like every one of my redneck friends, which is awesome
>>12947 Not even white knighting, but I gotta go with the young lady on this one. Who gives fuck all what anyones opinions on the net are anyways? White guilt is a laughable joke, we are the victims of a ridiculous amount of racially motivated crimes, yet it is out people who built this and many other nations. Sure, we outsourced the help, but cry as you will about slavery, it gets shit done.
1378165096972.jpg–(131.76KB, 900x1600, Timed Pics_Aug-22-2013_07-14-02_2.jpg)
>>13100 True. But, I'm trying to bury the hatchet because bitches whine about it. Lol so let's stop mentioning it
>>13099 Haha ya, I did grow up in a small town. I can think of many things that are far worse to be called than "redneck". I don't have a confederate flag on a pole in a pickup or anything. I am just a regular red blooded American. Proud of my people, my heritage, and happy to be of good gentle bred stock in Scotland, England, and Germany, a few generations removed.
>>13102 Good by me, featherwood.
>>13102 >>13091 nop
>>13102 Bonus points for you. Like... five. The points mean nothing though.
1378222865511.gif–(948.92KB, 185x329, tumblr_mrwvxl6jeM1s4yfxko1_250.gif)
>>13274 I'm okay with this
>>13297 Moar boobs please? I'd love to see them bounce without a shirt.
>>13297 lemme' see dem nips
You're a nazi!? I've got the biggest boner right now.
get your own fucking camwhore thread already and stop shitting up the community thread for fuck sake
1378234025744.jpg–(82.09KB, 1280x720, F8CkGpt.jpg)
Extremely unimpressed with the end of this thread. Especially the impressionistic metalface "white-aboo" female up there with her dull world views and her new love interest. It was like watching animals merge together post-coitus until the male becomes only gonads on the body of the female fish. Dovahkiin is an asskissing addburglar, as you people call it. Don't let me down again, because I'm always watching with my tsundere face.
>>13366 I like your summarising skills.
>>13366 10/10 would review again
>>13366 I think i love you haha
1378238372065.jpg–(144.30KB, 720x960, 1175563_583629048349529_2137404185_n.jpg)
>>13366 M or F?
>>13386 which on is you?
>>13391 I'm assuming he is the middle one
>>13385 Hey. Guys. Lel.
>>13455 wonderful, now she doesn't need to post anymore pics
>>13455 I think /G391F7E7 Has more but Idk. I can't motherless on my phone.
>>13476 Ok, well we have the links now, stop fucking posting the pictures, the thread says "post pics of YOU."
A bunch of people have been whining to me on IRC about this thread. Please do not shitpost in this thread. If you want to discuss the finer points of anti-semetic theory, share other peoples' nudes, or lay some sick burns down on people you're welcome to make a new thread or take it to the >>Chat. Bad posts will be deleted, bad posters will be warned or possibly banned. Let's take it easy people!!
1378283492295.jpg–(870.42KB, 1920x1080, Keep it Classy (26).jpg)
>>13480 Calm down man, relax and have a drink. I'm buying
1378330432889.jpg–(59.98KB, 768x1024, 902434_4636702882312_341400436_o.jpg)
me and my sexy hairs i miss yew sexy hairs<3
1378333266317.gif–(333.96KB, 300x400, hotstuff.gif)
why didn't you upload this version? scared someone will see you smoking that oopy poopy?
>>13480 What sissytwat is whining about it in IRC? Laughable.
1378348913143.jpg–(143.33KB, 640x480, 9-4 (1).JPG)
For the boys in IRC
1378348953222.jpg–(124.78KB, 640x480, 9-4 (2).JPG)
1378348998327.jpg–(141.48KB, 640x480, 9-4 (3).JPG)
>>13863 He looks like when Eminem was doing the Real Slim Shady thing with his blond hair.
>>13863 AND TWAT OF THE LADIES???????
1378858453692.png–(1.41MB, 2624x1968, glasses1.PNG)
My glasses and shit.
1378859843922.jpg–(116.26KB, 720x1280, IMG_20130910_203333_915.jpg)
fuckit, i'm tanked. me n clarence.
>>12947 >>12947 >>12947 teets?
>>15841 read the thread idiot.
1378879925729.jpg–(24.35KB, 300x300, Me.jpg)
There you go, guize, Fap away
>>12288 I'm still not sure if your noods are pizza or not
1379192037993.jpg–(85.00KB, 480x640, V0PoiiA.jpg)
Hi! Few things to start off =] 1. Yes I'm posting this image because there are female gamers on this thread, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm fruitpeeler and this is a recent photo of me. 3. Don't be intimidated, I'm not a stereotypical leprechaun. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D
>>16878 TopKek
>>12328 you are so fucking beta
>>16891 Shit, he called Rube out for being beta, and not the guy wearing a fedora. that oughta hurt
1379218708336.jpg–(19.36KB, 480x385, 1238360_536566053081399_927354684_n.jpg)
thats me on the left
>>10951 pony stuff and possible musician rate 8/10
1379219199549.jpg–(100.01KB, 960x640, 581304_123548101112395_731096761_n.jpg)
me attempting to be alpha
>>16878 Is that a combination of copypastas? I'm pretty sure I've already seen different parts of it, but not all in the same post.
1379254429475.jpg–(30.00KB, 500x373, female gamer.jpg)
>>16998 So it was actually one and only post. My memory is failing me. Thanks for the picture, by the way.
1379275419556.jpg–(782.57KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)
Why not
>>11585 carebear you look so stoned in here.
fuck you sober faggets
>>11732 I like your face, you remind me of a of my friends
1381044742702.jpg–(187.54KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-6-13 at 3.30 AM.jpg)
I'm growing a beard now >pic related
1381046032325.png–(1.09MB, 573x761, soup3.png)
1381046197977.jpg–(485.10KB, 1200x1600, PA050681.jpg)
also deadbabies
1381054386860.png–(694.75KB, 801x874, dbbs1.png)
Deadbabies once more. There's yet another in my profile if you wish to see it.
1382159604295.jpg–(238.00KB, 1080x720, beard.jpg)
>>20917 here is my beard now. 13 days later.
1382167763943.jpg–(97.71KB, 401x401, me.jpg)
wassup >I don't give a fuck if nsa knows I use 1chan
1382182882258.jpg–(57.54KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo1.jpg)
>>22428 This is me, about a week in without shaving.
1382187674249.jpg–(246.97KB, 1080x720, Babyspce.jpg)
1382201681885.jpg–(676.33KB, 1200x1600, GIRL.JPG)
I forgot I had this. Thought some of you might enjoy.
1382572504334.jpg–(163.84KB, 640x360, 2013-10-24 00-52-44.348.jpg)
u lukin at blud? i will kek u
>>22723 J, take off that stupid hat and check out krissipookie's tits below. >>12947
>>22723 >>22724 New faces. Looks like recruiting started. Welcome buttplugs!
>>22727 That's usually how it works. Stop by the IRC if you haven't already n' say hi.
1382585632677.jpg–(114.04KB, 600x720, 1382454126129.jpg)
>>22727 wow such mysterious
1382614092721.jpg–(51.18KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20131024 (2).jpg)
look at this handsome devil
1382661932820.jpg–(126.33KB, 1280x720, IMG_20131024_204354_870.jpg)
1382662059632.jpg–(44.71KB, 500x500, IP-shoppingcart.JPG)
1chan is beauty.
God I love this place
>>22827 >>22879 We should make something out of all these pictures. Something great. I don't know what. Something even greater than Gru's video. 1chan deserves it for reasons of greatness.
>>22889 I deleted my picture from the thread sometime ago. Just because.
1382691474280.jpg–(19.03KB, 500x414, 1377236020329.jpg)
>>22889 How about a massive collage of faces that's used as a background image for the entire site?
>>22896 Why not. I would work on it, if I had time.
>>22897 I'd do it if I had the patience, but I'd probably make it shittily. Also, there's no way it could turn out as something incredibly irritating to have as a background, so there's no drawbacks.
>>22897 Also, off-topic; but it's impossible to reach you on Skype.
>>22944 I was busy today. I'm going to let it run until something like 3 AM CET. I want your delicious character. (b'sides, the campaign is go).
>>22959 I've sent you him, but it's not going through for some reason. wat do
>>22962 Come on Skype right now, I'm logged on.
>>22963 I'm on.
>>22965 Wat I'm on and I can't see you THIS MAY EXPLAIN A LOT Well... get on the IRC and we'll sort it out.
1385260834623.jpg–(47.99KB, 640x640, d9e5b39e540511e3a0d3127895d4dc6e_8.jpg)
1385260856832.jpg–(80.89KB, 640x640, e3e196be534811e394fa12bd164c5014_8.jpg)
1385263733047.jpg–(59.66KB, 640x480, image.jpg)
Playing vydia, hair messed up.
>>8285 as if this thread is still going? Is this the longest running thread there is? How do I check for that?
1385278768697.jpg–(67.70KB, 480x480, image.jpg)
>>26223 Trap
>>26235 No she's not.
>>26237 No he isn't a trap
1385357383779.png–(30.13KB, 86x149, Resized Jamie.png)
This from like 4 years ago but whatever I don't have any pics of myself on my computer
1385389531090.jpg–(1.52MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg)
1385519875781.jpg–(449.29KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20131126_213341.jpg)
Here i am
>>26223 trap/10
1385547008724.png–(224.79KB, 353x265, xfZAk6E.png)
>>26420 What's with calling Panda a trap. Is it a joke I'm not getting?
>>26438 no joke, she really is a trap
1385607045942.jpg–(46.46KB, 640x476, 54027843_640.jpg)
tr>>26444 you know his trips dont lie
>>26444 So we STILL call trans traps? I didn't know that. I'll wake up a wiser man tomorrow.
1387143888321.jpg–(1.62MB, 2427x1536, 3wolf.jpg)
I'll be rolling in pussy once I wear this out. My newly acquired wolf senses can smell them approaching.
>>27714 tee i want you already
>>27714 I used this shirt when I was 12
1388278630957.jpg–(93.77KB, 640x480, image.jpg)
>>8285 The new and improved squeakychan
>>28580 Looking very stern there, Squeaky.
1388280005385.gif–(1.95MB, 533x300, 1387250592453.gif)
>>28588 I told you on Irc ages ago
>>28580 still best looking chub
1388311731076.png–(853.89KB, 960x600, 1chanus tets.png)
>>28596 Oh I don't know about that
>>28580 damn squeaky 8/10
1388357722534.jpg–(204.13KB, 480x640, seconal.jpg)
1388358834184.jpg–(24.51KB, 360x479, 5gC7saF.jpg)
>>28639 Oh look, it's that f@ggot from counterstrike
1388365963593.jpg–(42.11KB, 640x360, 1388277015515.2.jpg)
Looking fine
1388371989668.jpg–(189.18KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg)
>>28639 you're like a prettier version of spicefind
>>28604 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah no, still best looking chub
>>22428 Should I be worried that you have young, innocent children running around your house?
>>28649 IT IS NOT! SHUT UP
1388438761092.jpg–(405.61KB, 1080x1920, meh.jpg)
Normally don't post in these threads but whatever...
>>28705 Macklemore without the hair flip?
>>28705 macklemore's younger brother?
>>28713 it's funny because i hadn't seen your post
>>12521 fat nathan explosion
1389992618879.jpg–(2.03MB, 3984x2240, DSC00648.JPG)
Just got a shave/haircut >inb4 ugly >inb4 PiersMorgan
Shave and a Haircut Two Bits Mass Coastal Railroad style–(YouTube)
>>28717 >>28718 lmao. Forgot I posted this. Nah, I just got a high-and-tight. >>30436 >ugly Shit, I'd hit it.
>>30438 Not sure why I posted it anon the first time. But yeah that was me. Whoops.
>>30441 qt3.14
1390720354366.jpg–(128.06KB, 720x1280, IMG_20140126_020838_586.jpg)
Master drunk race hair
1390720919089.jpg–(592.73KB, 1280x960, 2014-01-26 02.10.55.jpg)
Baldig like a mother fucker.
1392238021455.jpg–(25.69KB, 414x736, me.jpg)
Ignore the dirty bathroom
1392255183384.jpg–(804.82KB, 2048x1536, 2014-01-26 00.47.21.jpg)
1392258291860.jpg–(45.53KB, 480x640, TkN7VgP.jpg)
>>32317 grill
>>32330 Indeed.
1392359647237.jpg–(101.64KB, 720x720, IMG_107421764029143.jpeg)
Have fun
♫Sexual harassment... Panda♪
1392502212576.jpg–(82.11KB, 222x322, gay shirt.jpg)
this is why we cant have nice things
>>32376 <123
1393126545433.jpg–(10.94KB, 206x307, 155761_1611696464948_6309590_n.jpg)
i suppose...this is me
1393128612875.jpg–(698.19KB, 960x1280, 2014-02-22 22.56.33.jpg)
Just stand there while I sex you up with my eyes, and yes that is a plastic bag.
1393176268234.jpg–(46.13KB, 640x360, 1393000812381.1.jpg)
1393213882815.jpg–(1.20MB, 2592x1944, DSC01450.JPG)
>>32772 u wan sum fuk?
1394349459241.gif–(1.01MB, 320x180, i-m-back-bitches-can-t-stop-me-o.gif)
1394365236902.jpg–(384.60KB, 2582x1937, 6sr8ujO.jpg)
1394365971807.jpg–(433.20KB, 2592x1944, zn2pk3C.jpg)
1394366148328.jpg–(1.33MB, 2592x1944, DSC01468.JPG)
just tossed off #nolife
1394366453700.jpg–(172.65KB, 1024x768, hdYLxPM.jpg)
>>34127 woops lol sorry xD
1394366597632.jpg–(92.13KB, 771x960, EvprDNh.jpg)
>>34129 beechi reporting for duty
1394374425326.jpg–(59.16KB, 630x840, 20140306_152639.jpg)
1394388288048.png–(484.33KB, 1000x563, 1000px-Quentin_Lance.png)
1394477585773.jpg–(67.56KB, 500x447, 1394477464083[1].jpg)
>>34135 Why is your hair always wet?
1394480870890.jpg–(48.47KB, 608x810, 20140310_144530.jpg)
>>34267 I noticed that when I uploaded this. I thought to myself, the fuck - my hair IS always wet. So I grabbed my phone, took a picture as fast as I could and... too much gooptygoopt in my hair? I don't know. It's always been naturally oily, and tends to dry out in humid weather way too fast. My hair is a fickle mistress.
>>34269 I wash my hair everyday to avoid having greasy hair. I used to have my hair shoulder-length and unless I washed them everyday, they'd be greasy. I took the habit from there and I have almost a buzz cut now.
>>34271 I do wash my hair every day...
Yeah, this thread is a bit too low on the queue when we have so many buttplugs among us. bump
>>34130 boochi looks like he's asian lol
1396809329824.png–(215.21KB, 456x420, X5tm7De.png)
tiss me worldofrich
>>35786 Think this was me on Acid, I don't fucking know. Nights are a blur
>>35786 Yeah, acid for sure. You can see the reflection of my TV in my eyes
1396850190486.gif–(1.46MB, 285x242, 1364267994230.gif)
>>35786 >>35788 >>35787 How does a pair of headphones take acid? How are you even alive?
>>35786 i would bone you. so hard. up the butt.
1406033772192.jpg–(44.28KB, 640x640, 10446554_584867098296591_1155239946828395468_n.jpg)
Is a recent picture of me.
>>28639 @Seconal are you touching your willy in this picture?
1406096517687.jpg–(415.74KB, 2048x1536, 1chanlove.jpg)
1406098140879.jpg–(76.72KB, 500x333, potato-happy-face.jpg)
1406130164709.jpg–(72.19KB, 480x480, image.jpg)
Jailbait reporting in
>>38737 ☑ liked
>>38737 omg edd i'm gonna masturbate to this okay? okay.
>>38737 he's old enough right? right guys? RIGHT?!
1422695930697.jpg–(170.66KB, 1280x800, WIN_20150125_203807.JPG)
drunk bumpin old threads :)
Bringing this back. #tbt
1424699896230.png–(942.27KB, 609x609, Untitled.png)
>>41924 you look sad
>>42042 wow that's a neato wheelchair, does it have an engine?
>>42047 idk, it's not mine, i borrowed it
>>42046 just drunk
1425152711078.jpg–(116.73KB, 1280x720, IMG-20150227-WA0001.jpg)
u little stupid ass bitch i ain't fuckin with you
1425430615949.jpg–(55.65KB, 640x640, me2.jpg)
Me when it rained cocaine a month or two ago.
1426092978543.jpg–(136.06KB, 1080x720, Photo on 3-11-15 at 12.55 PM.jpg)
Hey '56 Crown Vics.....guess who it is
>>42122 spicey? What the fuck happened? You look like a 41 year old divorced single father.
>>42123 Well 2 of those 4 things are true. And I had to clean up for food service and I am also now the owner of a truck so
>>42124 You're 41 and divorced? Nah, but if anything's been going wrong, I'm here for ya. Good to see you back. >truck How very American of you.
>>42127 Lol what even is "going wrong" or "going right" anymore. It's all just stuff happening
1426122027987.jpg–(45.53KB, 720x960, 11047079_377897312396875_1496599658_n.jpg)
Its been a while, 1chan.
>>42131 You look fucking homeless now. Sort out that bum hair on your chin. >>42129 Either way, glad you're back, spicey.
>>42132 Been a long day. Anyway, is 1chan still going?
>>42134 It picks up every now and then, but it's not very busy. You missed it's 2nd birthday by a few days though.
>>42135 nah, I've been lurking. Was good to see. >2get.
1432169190643.jpg–(372.84KB, 712x1222, makeadeal.jpg)
>>42545 Did tee shave ? ;_;
>>42546 old pic
1432524725698.jpg–(155.17KB, 1280x800, iliketoparty.JPG)
1446247351942.jpg–(214.04KB, 1125x1500, 9917434659062542749.jpg)
cam whorin n bumpin this old thread.
1465301206922.jpg–(119.33KB, 951x535, XxkIq61.jpg)
>shitposting in the morning and nobody can stop me
1466385561774.jpg–(91.76KB, 720x655, me in pika hoodie.jpg)
A-am I cute senpai?
>>43497 no
1467048189712.jpg–(1.50MB, 1920x1920, SI_20160627_130600.jpg)
kawaii in the streets senpai in the sheets
1467267644287.png–(264.34KB, 712x400, Annoyed Pika.png)
1467438464463.jpg–(425.19KB, 1440x2392, Snapchat-2904928210598532890.jpg)
1467591774404.jpg–(116.44KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)
the trick is to hide the bags under your eyes using angles and lighting
>>43524 Damn that cool jawline
man, it has been a long ass tume since i've been here.. didn't think it would still be going. how is everyone??
>>43524 Mexican/10
1471421031937.jpg–(127.69KB, 460x459, image.jpeg)
>>43560 Oh whatever
1482030532204.jpg–(46.96KB, 540x960, dask.jpg)
1482030594036.jpg–(18.19KB, 480x480, hurr.jpg)
update on the mane
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>>12405 >>12396 my skin got paler and my nose got smaller
>>43703 did your dick get bigger
1487810227755.jpg–(51.77KB, 1280x800, WIN_20170222_193103.JPG)
glad to see some of you are still around.
1548149209776.jpg–(221.04KB, 960x1200, DwYqL7QXgAA-oFs.jpg)
some days i be dressin...
1548149440318.jpg–(198.10KB, 720x1280, Image 2019-01-22 at 10.28.41 AM.jpeg)
but some days i be bummin
1548149532790.jpg–(63.57KB, 1280x720, 1554981056_preview_preview_2041_1532139281_465f333)
guess you could say im... bi-FLEXUAL
1550848273705.jpg–(195.17KB, 1200x1600, 499 - LufWNtN.jpg)
haven't been here for 5+ years first thing i'm gonna post is my mug huehuehue
>>43962 >>43962 Show us your dick
1555007594631.png–(139.12KB, 480x466, 1552402870172.png)
>>43962 show me your knees
1572048733461.jpg–(621.51KB, 2097x3142, maggoo.jpg)
>>26417 he was a good friend! he didn't post much but he always enjoyed lurking. not that any of you care but he really did enjoy 1chan and i miss him. sleep tight kiddo.
>>43977 damn of all the stuff to come back to on chanus I would’ve never expected to find out one of us had passed. I assume you knew him irl so I’m sorry for your loss my man, can’t say I ever spoke to him on here but it’s still a morbid kinda feeling
>>43977 rest in peace fellow chub
>>43977 RIP maggoo
>>8285 RIP chub. Enjoy your pork pies
1615595035486.jpg–(1.20MB, 4032x3024, CD45AEF8-4F4B-44B6-BE2C-CDAD93252086.jpeg)
dónde está el barbero
1616560122250.jpg–(112.74KB, 778x1024, IMG_20210323_231520_678.jpg)
I'm on my way
>>44005 moshi on da bus where he going tho
>>44011 OTW2FYB
1661456638171.jpg–(683.75KB, 2448x2448, 1pic.jpg)
Anyone else watch football? Pre-season is underway.
1670440808704.jpg–(1.44MB, 2944x2208, 20221207_141514.jpg)
9 years 2 oopy 4 poopy 1 chanus
>>44031 This is not revival. This is posting in a dead thread. That said, show us your butthole.
1670456108192.jpg–(143.73KB, 1000x799, horses_asshole_by_kat3266_deb2tu9-pre.jpg)
>>44032 I am reviving a dead thread, this very much counts
1670456276380.jpg–(51.80KB, 494x284, 14172806315.jpg)
>>44037 >>44037
1670456401353.jpg–(1.54MB, 2448x3264, PXL_20221204_044841941.jpg)
This thread never dies
1730936734465.gif–(924.03KB, 278x498, a80f2804b766d0ffc21ec9663ca642e9.gif)
>>44041 We will resurrect it as many times as needed.