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File: 1470865846414.jpg–(67.08KB, 604x604, 0kAZn1ydjlU.jpg) Tagged: International


Anyone likes learning languages, how many do you speak, would you like to learn another. If so, which?

I speak 5 languages, currently learning Bulgarian


I speak German and pidgin, how you end up learning said languages.


My family immigrated from the Netherlands to Denmark, they're from the frisian minority, so taught me it at home. In school we learned English and German.
Now i've started on Bulgarian because i wanted to learn a slav language.

Where did you end up learning pidgin?


lived on the island of Guam as a kid and went to Hawaii alot because my father was in the army



I have commitment issues so I don't stick to learning for very long, but in the past I've started learning japanese, korean (the easiest one), french, indonesian, quenya, spanish (the most successful one), german, and latin

as of the past couple of days I've been rotating korean and quenya on memrise, but I've not really optimized it with my peak focus times throughout the day so it's not going so well


English and Mandarin. I'm good with that.
