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File: 1436045655393.jpg–(182.11KB, 640x1136, image.jpg) Tagged: Random


A disgruntled customer just called about a messed up order last night, so I looked up his order and saw that two of the four items were effected so, per protocol, I offered to replace the two items. After going back and forth for 5 minutes and still not getting what he wanted (the whole order replaced and a refund) he decided to let me know to "get ready" because "I'm gonna head out right now and when I get there I'm gonna kick your fucking teeth in" and I said "okay sir see you soon. Goodbye" and hung up. HA


Pic not related, but it IS me drunk and crying because babies are cute


Oops. Forgot to uncheck anonymous.


1436051991749.jpg–(191.01KB, 640x1136, thank you based concrete.jpg)


Soon you'll look like me about 11 months ago


thats a god tier baby right there, anyway I advise you buy yourself a gas station tier pocket knife
