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Unfortunately >>IRC is even more dead than it was in the first place, so we've all moved to Discord. Join 1chan's server "The Playground" at While Discord does have a web client, downloading a client for your OS is recommended.
>>43895 it died
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Alexander Hitler Fuck the rest
Victory Not Revenge
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How is this place not dead yet? Tee you bastard, I thought you'd have stopped paying for the domain and hosting by now
tee will never give up on us
File: 1377462483674.jpg–(49.44KB, 640x426, 1079401_172729872913621_501604207_n.jpg) Tagged:, Photography
post pics of you.
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>>44032 I am reviving a dead thread, this very much counts
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>>44037 >>44037
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This thread never dies
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>>44041 We will resurrect it as many times as needed.
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interesting that you post straight porn to the gayest men i've ever met
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Penis enlargement pills
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largement enpenis pills
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;3;3;3 I <3 u K00laidz
damn nice pontiblack
1700877294055.jpg–(59.44KB, 768x480, I will build a subspace graviton field and bajor w)
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sup fig
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>>43923 call the police
>>43928 He's the best Piers
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>>23078 All these years and Im still the best Uki.
>>44007 No, I'm best uki.
>>44008 No, you're the dirtiest.
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It hasn't changed a bit. Wishing you well. Offerings of joy be with you. May God have mercy on your soul.
I am glad you're alive my friend 1ch of the anus never dies Come join the circlejerk on discord
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chubs it just hit me I'm 25yo at the end of this month that's almost a DECADE since I joined. I've never appreciated it more. y'all saw my most retarded side on IRC and it stopped me from being sus in real life. I love you all (even creed the fucking hater) and I wouldn't be who I am without our little retarded community, y'all got me through some painfully boring days in college sept 29th is chubnational shimmy day, if you don't get shimmy you're not a real one
love u bb
>>44012 Nigga, thas gay af
Why did you paint your tokarev, tovarish?
Have you tried penis enlargement pills?
>>44024 No, I took the easy route. I got a tattoo of my penis, on my penis, but bigger.