File: 1468302584755.jpg–(37.38KB, 328x236, lecoran.jpg) Tagged: History, Internet
>tfw 1chan is dead
never forgotten.
Why didn't they want to come here and start a rail tag?
>>43564 There is a "Trains" tag.
>>43565 why don't they come here and use that?
>>43567 Why don't you shut the fuck up
File: 1377277177189.jpg–(11.88KB, 518x324, say_it_icon.jpg) Tagged:, Random
Shit Sage Says and Shit Noko Says ITT: post funny shit you catch sage or noko saying in irc chat
1450937585253.png–(76.34KB, 1149x244, Screen Shot 2015-12-24 at 1.12.22 AM.png)
so this just happened.
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1467521695114.jpg–(31.79KB, 687x191, welcomeback.JPG)
circlejerkers get a life
>>43587 I recommend u shut the fuck up
File: 1470694095254.jpg–(20.08KB, 321x315, Booty.jpg) Tagged: Furry, Hentai, Pony, Women
Do they got the booty? Post me some booty guys Spread the booty?
I want the booty–(YouTube)
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>>43583 nice
File: 1467311828780.jpg–(22.43KB, 499x500, 11889622_113082712374891_6367286886812946457_n.jpg) Tagged:
Hi mates it's been a long time since I've been on 1chanus, what's been happening?
>>43546 lmao forgot to unstick again.
>>43546 It's beautiful but I would like to find a job to pass the time.
>>43555 never been to New York but it looks beautiful, are there alot of job openings there?
>>43556 not really, but montreal is 1.5 hrs away, food mecca so I might as well try my luck there.
>>43543 we know it's you nigga. embrace the nigrish.
File: 1449179015364.jpg–(692.64KB, 2584x1400, lounge.jpg) Tagged: Art, Music, Social
A lounge, for a dead board. Post your music, and have a seat.
The Avalanches - Frankie Sinatra–(YouTube) I wanna be a game music composer. What do yall think?
I think that's a shitty career path.
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>>43571 >>43572
>>43576 >>43572 Currently, I don't have the setup to do anything like that. I don't even know who to goto to get noticed anyways. So it's just a fun hobby
File: 1465245971615.png–(40.57KB, 235x236, 1396593442797.png) Tagged:
ATTENTION NEW 1CHAN USERS When you join the IRC, often no one will be paying attention For immediate help, you can highlight/ping Creed since I'm a neet with no life and am always here for technical support, PM tee and wait patiently while he lives his life and neglects your
also like my status for a tbh
>new 1chan users >imblying
File: 1467877688912.jpg–(219.37KB, 670x1192, 1467877672330.jpg) Tagged: Art
post it here, get rated
>>43537 >>43538 nice, what did you use to make them?
>>43539 CS4. I did them in 2012 lol
>>43540 you make art now?
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1468197027303.png–(297.73KB, 800x1169, dog-in-a-suit.png)
File: 1464237921565.jpg–(1.55MB, 2068x1288, 2721711-tracer_overwatch_009.jpg) Tagged: Video games
Anyone else play Overwatch? Add me: tee#11851 If you aren't familiar with it, here's a gameplay video:
Maldaris#1948 hmu, I play sometimes.
my brother plays it. it's the only game he doesn't rage like a fucking psycho at.
>>43535 wish i could say the same for tee
File: 1467035606831.jpg–(604.77KB, 1920x1080, codeblack.jpg) Tagged: Internet
would you like to see it and tell me how shit it is?
>>43516 reddit functionality without reddit moderation and information tracking. Tons of stuff still left to implement, though.
>>43523 I think it's pretty good but I have a feeling it won't grow popular
>>43526 You're probably right. I'll support it and continue to better it, popularity or no.
>>43527 Yeah totally, that can be fun. I've had an imageboard before, it was a place where only 4 or 5 close friends would visit and post pictures and notes and stuff, it was a fun thing to maintain.
>>43528 I know an exceptionally little number of people who have any genuine interest in the internet outside of Facebook and imgur. It's.. really quite sad. But agreed on the fun part; creating something is always a good amount of that.
File: 1388702047228.png–(82.58KB, 480x695, tmp_140102_2330012080312726.png) Tagged: Random
bump because i really really like this image
File: 1464980329820.png–(8.53KB, 174x289, download.png) Tagged: International
is that just an old pedobear because if so, i think this pic pretty much sums it up
>>43501 no you fruit its a new meme you old fuck, get with the times
i'm gonna go with old pedobear
File: 1465331194137.png–(392.75KB, 720x537, vlcsnap-2014-01-28-15h50m21s234.png) Tagged: Random
After some time, online and offline, you can only go so far with people. Am I wrong to feel this way? there was this guy I knew for sometime, he constantly complained about his life, said he wanted to see his boyfriend, said he wanted to leave the US cause he wants to live in socialism/communism. He legit thinks that it could work. The kid is 16 and thinks he knows everything. I really hope I wasn't like that when I was 16 but I prolly was too. But that's not the point. why are children so "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I CAN DO IT ON MY OWN!" and then turn around and ask for help when they completely fuck up? Like why? I don't get it. So this kid would come to me on a daily basis complaining about something, something stupid, acting like I was his therapist or some shit. I would do my best in trying to help him out. He would turn around and act like he's this amazing video game player. Like he's better at everything. Seriously? Do you have no life to the point that you have to talk about video games like you're amazing at them? I invited him to my discord, he was from a reddit Pokemon server I had join. (fuck reddit. what a piece of shit place) Then he invites like 3 other people. 1 trans assburglar who does nothing but trolls, his "boyfriend" and this autistic kid. ALL fucked up and I banned their asses. I had enough of these idiots walking in here. I have an open server, and I'm ok with allowing people but when you start drama, wtf man? Like really? want me to post my rant I sent to him?
>want me to post my rant I sent to him? Go ahead.
the important question is, whats your discord
I gave him another chance, I'm too god damn friendly and shit "If Tarra kicks you, and he doesn't give you another chance, that says something" said a friend. here's my rant: You're a communistic dumbass who thinks hes a girl. Not a single person wants to be around you. Everyone in your family complains about you and you can't even leave your house. All your friends are on the internet. You have no intent of leaving your house. You think that you are right on political stances when you're what? 16? OK good for you. You have no idea how the world works. The only thing for someone in life that's good for you is going out in the battle field and purposly getting shot. You have no real purpose in life cept to run around saying what a special snowflake you are. You have no goals, no aspirations, no nothing. You act like you are better than me and you can say WHATEVER you want. I am VERY tolerate of people. Fucking ask ANY ONE in the chat. I have given a dozen chances to you, List and about 3 other people WAY before you joined my group. And it's not us, it's LITERALLY you starting shit for no god damn reason. You think any one in my chat wants you around? I've talked to everyone here. They all ask me what the fuck is your problem. They all ask why you can't calm the fuck down. They all ask me why you're fucked up in the head. They all ask me why you think things like communism, socialism is a good idea. Your own "boyfriend" who you will never see, even thinks thinks this. He asked me why you're the way you are. You're not cute, you're not funny, you're a worthless self entitled brat with internet privs who needs the shit beaten out of him. Which your parents haven't done it enough. Post truncated. Click Reply to view.