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File: 1422487124118.png–(140.86KB, 1346x408, b00ab1c3c1790b5e030193b4bce2e6d7.png) Tagged: Random


>no offence

What has 4chan become? Now they're worried about offending people

Pic related



Looks like the tumblrcunts decided to stick around.


I don't know if it's always been like this, but in the few recent times I've visited, I've noticed that 4chan is basically just highschoolers trying to be cool. It's probably always been that, but shit. I never really paid attention, just accepted it. God bless you, 1chan


On /b/, for sure. Other boards have a distinctly different user base. Typically, I only hang around /tg/, it's got a decent user base and the people there aren't blatant idiots (for the most part).
