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File: 1419790489936.png–(1.17KB, 176x62, sync-logo[1].png) Tagged: Technology


Dropbox: Download files from online servers with 2 gigabytes of free storage. The files DO take up space on your computer.

Bittorent Sync: Download files directly from your own fucking computer, disregard online storage limitations, your only limit is the space on your drive -- still totally free

Dropbox: Hold one single folder full of other folders which can be shared

Bittorrent Sync: Hold as many folders as you want, wherever on your computer you want

Dropbox: Share folders with peers

Bittorrent Sync: Share folders with peers but also yourself. The one VERY MINOR drawback is that for folders and shit to sync on other devices, you need a URL or a QR code for mobile, but this shit's more secure than Dropbox anyway

I've already taken the liberty of copying all of Roach-TV to Bittorrent Sync and creating a folder. Here's how to set it up:
1. Download Bittorrent Sync here: http://www.getsync.com/
2. Install that shit dawg
3. Click this link: https://link.getsync.com/#f=Der%201chon&sz=2E9&s=BCTUS4HBC3KUG5PJHO5Q6BCT7WBMYXBW&i=CUUKAP2MG45JA4XGFJASMYHRKSJYBNCCA&p=CBAK7VLKUJT3PCESCEGDIZG5S5VF7Z6D
4. I have to approve you, so make your name recognizable. After you're approved (i'm gonna approve everyone, I just want to make sure bots and spam doesn't get access to it) you should be able to read and write to the Official Der 1chon® folder
5. Uninstall Dropbox
6. Watch 59 shows of ROACH FUCKIN TV


I agree, get this shit meng


BitTorrent Sync is good but if your computer dies (like if your drive goes or something) then you can't get your backed up files.

I suppose this could easily be set up like Dropbox or other similar services with a VPS though.


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Peer to peer cloud storage sounds like a terrible idea


Why would it be?


This sucks because it overwrites based on last modification time. Who the hell would choose this even over the other BT options


>botnet sync


