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File: 1414524188666.jpg–(56.16KB, 405x456, Hobo.jpg) Tagged: International, Stories


What's 1chan's opinion on hobos/panhandlers?

I think they are scum. Most harass you for money and/or smokes as if I should have to feel bad for them if they ended up drinking their way to the curb and did nothing about it. There's resources out there to get back on their feet if they want to. Otherwise, they are just enjoying living in filth and I think I'd rather buy myself a beer before giving them beer money to find them drunk and asleep on the sidewalk on my way back from work a few hours later.


>be me
>be generous
>see guy begging at the smokeshop who looks like he has aids
>give him money
>his pal comes out of the smokeshop with beer


while i was applying for food stamps i passed through the ghetto and i guy was begging, gave him a sock full of pennies


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>see beggar
>looks really young
>sign says homeless please help
>ask how old are you
>prick looks at me and yells, yeah this is a Fucking job interview right!!

I reach into my ashtray and carpet bomb this asshole with about 50 pennies.

I enjoy them, to answer op's question.


>driving car
>see panhandler in cowboy hat
>offer supposed man a job
>says yes
>doesn't even call
>just like the rest


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Stop at gas station HoBo outside got some money? I am starving. Go inside buy pizza for him walk out give it to him. Drive to other side of parking lot. Watch him go in talk to cashier, walks outside with pizza throws it in the trash :(


flec ;_;



Some of them are alright, used to see a pair of homeless bunking the train most days and I'd have a chat with them. Had some funny stuff to say, they were characters, been a while since I've seen them.

Local feller I know called Ed used to be homeless, in recent months he's found his way though, he's a good bloke aswell.

Those guys gave me a better outlook on the homeless, sure some of them would stab you for a penny, but alot of them are interesting fellers.
