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File: 1396473444952.jpg–(33.04KB, 500x377, seeds.JPG) Tagged: Drugs, Random


has anyone here ever tried Argyreia nervosa seeds, Heavenly Blue Morning Glories seeds, or liberty cap?

one of my friends told me they have some kind of effect.
also, how was it?


I've heard of this kind of thing but never done it, apparently a lot of plants have naturalizing occurring LSD or precursors to it most notably morning glory seeds


I'll surely give you my morning glory seed.


@rekt talked about doing lsa from seeds on irc, he said the trip was uncomfortable and made him sick or something


i did ~14 seeds of hawaiian baby woodrose for my first trip. i'm not sure about the actual amount, but i tripped balls. if you'd like a full trip report, i'll type up as much as i can remember, but it wasn't a very good trip.

you do get nauseous, and intestinal discomfort. i suggest not eating at least 12 hours before you take it. weed also helps.

i'm not really sure what to say, because it was my first trip, i had a high dosage, and i was in a bad place mentally at the time, so of course i had a bad trip. my friends who also took it with me seemed to enjoy it, though.



i thought the morning glories weren't gonna work - then, as i exhaled my blunt toke - i saw a baby crawling through it. its veins were made from the smoke and it was transparent.

liberty caps - smooth trip. me and this one girl drove around laughing wearing sunglasses. trees were like rubber-bands. we fucked later and it was like melting into each other when we had our eyes closed kissing.

for shrooms - psilocybin cubensis are *by far* better.

with morning glories - they are usually coated in poison if bought in packets and need to be de-toxified before eating. a glance of a google search on the subject will show you how to do that.



precursor =s LSA


eating wood rose seeds isnt worth the stomach pain but if you can get some pure alcohol you can extra the active ingerdiant 'LSA' and it gets rid of most of the nausea


1398108984068.jpg–(1.03MB, 4000x2248, LSA.jpg)


I've got some Baby Hawaiian WoodRose seeds here, About 100. About a month ago I took 3, which according to my research is enough to cause some light visuals, I had eaten like 10 minutes before hand but it didn't matter because nothing happened what so ever.
According to the info I read 12 HBWR seeds are enough to kill you if you're really unlucky, but that information seems to be bullshit.

I'm depressed almost all of the time so I haven't tried to take any since. What would 1chan do? Shall I just eat 10 and see what happens?

Extracting the LSA sounds like the ideal option, right? But in the UK, LSA is a class A drug and having it in your possession could get you fucked by the police. In seed form it's completely legal, otherwise I would already have tries extracting it.


It's pretty great, it is best if you do a Alkaloid Extraction and then drinking that (Taste like pure alcohol) or you can just eat them. But if you don't do an extraction, you will end up throwing up, which fucking sucks. But the max you really want to do is 12, which is a pretty damn solid trip. I did 10 for the first time on HBR's, and man, can I tell you, it was intense. If you not ready for it, I would suggest not doing it, but is fun. And LSA (d-lysergic acid amide) is a precursor to LSD and has pretty much the same effects. But as I said, the sickness part really fucking sucks. And if you have already done them and would like to do me a favor, can you drop a entry in this thread?
